Hi People,
I'm studying boost to understand if I can remove from a project a homemade
event-dispatcher with boost::signal2 but I found a lot of troubles and I
cannot solve it.
My actual code which I would migrate to boost is made by a "Sender" and
"Multiple Receiver"
The sender has the ability to register many "signals" (I use a map for do
this" ) and each listener has a map of "slots" connected to the sender of
the sender.
The sender code is:
struct Event {};
struct ID {};
struct OneSecondElapsedEvent : public Event
static ID id;
struct UpdatePresentationTracksReqEvent : public Event
UpdatePresentationTracksReqEvent() {};
static ID id;
typedef boost::signals2::signal signal_t;
typedef signal_t::slot_type slot_t;
class MainTask: public Elt::Thread , public Sender
boost::ptr_map signals_map;
MainTask(char* taskName);
virtual ~MainTask();
void Main();
void registerListener(IListener* listener)
if(listener != NULL)
SlotMap::const_iterator it = listener->slots_map.begin();
for(;it != listener->slots_map.end();it++)
ID *id = it->first;
const slot_t *handler = it->second;
printf("Listener NULLO!!!!\n");
now my generic "listener" or Receiver should be able to register to sender
and the code is:
#include "SpActiveContext.h"
#include <cassert>
#include "ActiveObject.h"
#include "GenericMessageHandler/ActiveMessage.h"
#include "boost/bind.hpp"
#include "boost/function.hpp"
#include "EventDefinitions.h"
#include "MainTask.h"
SpActiveContext::SpActiveContext(SpContext * component):
_ActiveObject("SpActiveContext"), _Component(component){
* //boost::function g =
boost::bind(&SpActiveContext::Handle, this, _1);*
* //const slot_t& t = static_cast(&SpActiveContext::Handle);*
* //registerEvent(OneSecondElapsedEvent::id, t);*
* //typedef boost::signals2::signal signal_t;*
* //typedef signal_t::slot_type slot_t;*
* //boost::bind(&SpActiveContext::Handle(OneSecondElapsedEvent*), this, _1);
* //void (SpActiveContext::*Handle) (OneSecondElapsedEvent*) =
* //boost::bind( static_cast(&Foo::Bar) ,
foo, _1);*
* //const slot_t1& t = boost::bind( static_cast(&SpActiveContext::Handle) ,
this, _1);*
* //registerEvent(OneSecondElapsedEvent::id, t );*
//const slot_t1& t = boost::bind( static_cast(&SpActiveContext::Handle) , this, _1);
::id, t );
void SpActiveContext::Handle(OneSecondElapsedEvent* msg)
printf("OneSecondElapsedEvent 2\n");
void SpActiveContext::Handle(UpdatePresentationTracksReqEvent* msg)
In the constructor I tried to "connect" the function
to the slot but I cannot to this..the compiler write errors sayng that
cannot connvert from "Event*" to "OneSecondElapsedEvent*".*
*Is there any solution to make it working?*
*Thanks in advance,*