Sohail Somani writes:

> On 18/05/2014 4:34 AM, John Maddock wrote:
>>> Any feedback or suggestions other than not using boost for serialization?
>> It was my understanding that stuff like that should be supported, if you
>> have a test case then filing a bug report would seem to be in order?
> Based on the error, it seems like what is happening is that a newer
> version of Boost is attempting to communicate with an older version of
> Boost. The actual exception is from the archive itself, IIUC. The
> library has explicitly said this is not supported, unfortunately.
> To the OP, I'd suggest not upgrading Boost serialization or requiring
> upgrading in lockstep. Upgrading multiple hosts in random order means
> new communicating with old. This is an unsupported use case.

I have a serialization option.  It isn't a Boost library, but it
has support for some Boost types and we're willing to add
support for other Boost types.  

Ebenezer Enterprises - "He who refreshes others will himself be
refreshed."  Proverbs 11:25