On 8/23/05, Thorsten Ottosen
"Thomas Matelich"
wrote in message news:3944d45805082312395ec6168c@mail.gmail.com... seems to be working okay so far. I'm trying to determine just how important shared copying is, and what the performance impace is.
it is quite big if you do it a lot.
Just ran into my first non-trivial issue with no copy construction (I don't want cloning) :) Fun stuff.
you prefer the containers to copy-constructible?
Well, I blew my 1 day exploration into replacing with ptr_vector
without learning much except that we copy these SmartVector's around a
lot, including returning them from functions. Unfortunately, we don't
do it very often in the unittests I was trying to do my timing with.
Anyway, my explorations did tell me that I think replacing our