I have some trouble with a file renaming program i wrote. The program
is supposed to recursively traverse a folders in search for a file, and
rename the file to the name of the folder. The program, traverses all the
folders successfully, but when i try the rename command i get the following
compile error
"error C2039: current_path is not a member of 'path', see declaration of
path. c:\boost\include\boost-1_33_1\boost\filesystem\path.hpp
I am aware that the current_path() function is not included in path.hpp
however the object that i am trying to use it on is a directory _iterator
and as such should work.
I am new to all of this stuff, any advice would be appreciated,
Below is the very non elegant source code with the problem highlighted close
to the end of the code.
int i=0;
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
bool recursiveList(fs::path);
int main()
fs::path fullPath("test2");
std::cout<<"Number of files = "<leaf()<<"[directory]\n\n";