Boost Users,


                I am trying to build the Hello World python example.  When I execute bjam I get the “rule python-extension unknown” error.  I believe this to be because my user-config.jam file is never being used.  The tutorial states to configure the rules in the user-config.jam file in my home directory.  My home directory is “C:\Documents and Settings\robert.machardy”.  I did not find the file there, and this does not appear to be the place for jam files.  I found the file user-config.jam in “C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_36_0\tools\build\v2”, I edited it and copied to my home directory.  I configured it for the following:


# Configure specific msvc version (searched for in standard locations and PATH).

 using msvc : 7.1 ;

 using python : 2.6 : C:\Program Files\Python26;


Please help.


Thank you,

Robert MacHardy