I have to use this replacement in my own string class which is inherited from std::string. I try it and it seems, that I have some trouble with the understanding of regex_iterator, also the existing examples doesn't help me :-( Is it possible for you, to look at my example and give me some hint, how to implement this case, with the regex_iterator?
std::string replace_with_literal(const std::string& text, const boost::regex& re, const std::string& replace) { std::string result; sregex_iterator it(text.begin(), text.end(), re); sregex_iterator end; std::string::const_iterator last_end = text.begin(); while(it != end) { result.append(it->prefix().str()); result.append(replace); last_end = it->suffix().first; } result.append(last_end, text.end()); return result; } John.