Here is table with four example of command-line input on Windows
and expected values of 'argv' elements, according to the rules when
interpreting arguments, escape sequences etc.:
Double-checking this actually works:
///////// Windows console program //////////////////////////////////
#include <cstdio>
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) std::printf("%d: %s\n", i, argv[i]);
F:\test_cpp2015\Debug>test_cpp2015.exe "abc" d e
0: test_cpp2015.exe
1: abc
2: d
3: e
F:\test_cpp2015\Debug>test_cpp2015.exe a\\b d"e f"g h
0: test_cpp2015.exe
1: a\\b
2: de fg
3: h
F:\test_cpp2015\Debug>test_cpp2015.exe a\\\"b c d
0: test_cpp2015.exe
1: a\"b
2: c
3: d
F:\test_cpp2015\Debug>test_cpp2015.exe a\\\\"b c" d e
0: test_cpp2015.exe
1: a\\b c
2: d
3: e
Now, the same test but with values of framework::master_test_suite().argv
///////// Boost.Test program ///////////////////////////////////////