Has anyone tried to compile Boost 1.27.0 (or any version for that matter) on IBM AIX using the xlC compiler (IBM Visual Age). There are many compile errors (usually template related) along the lines of: "../../../../ThirdParty/boost/regex/detail/regex_cstring.hpp", line 77.40: 1540- 0152 (W) A template dependent name that is a type must be qualified with "typena me". "../../../../ThirdParty/boost/regex.hpp", line 528.55: 1540-0152 (W) A template dependent name that is a type must be qualified with "typename". "../../../../ThirdParty/boost/regex.hpp", line 532.13: 1540-1628 (S) Every templ ate parameter for a constructor template must be used in the parameter list of t he constructor. "../../../../ThirdParty/boost/regex.hpp", line 532.34: 1540-0152 (W) A template dependent name that is a type must be qualified with "typename". "../../../../ThirdParty/boost/regex.hpp", line 744.13: 1540-0152 (W) A template dependent name that is a type must be qualified with "typename". "../../../../ThirdParty/boost/regex.hpp", line 938.4: 1540-0152 (W) A template d ependent name that is a type must be qualified with "typename". "../../../../ThirdParty/boost/regex.hpp", line 438.27: 1540-0130 (S) "def_alloc_ param_traits" is not declared. "../../../../ThirdParty/boost/regex.hpp", line 1414.1: 1540-0062 (S) The incompl ete class "match_results" must not be used as a qualifier. "../../../../ThirdParty/boost/regex.hpp", line 1455.35: 1540-0140 (S) The text " &" is unexpected. "match_results" may be undeclared, ambiguous or may require " typename" qualification. "../../../../ThirdParty/boost/regex.hpp", line 444.7: 1540-1303 (I) "template cl ass match_results" is not visible. @