Objects that are tracked are tracked by address regardless of whether they are static variables or not. So the answer to your question is Yes - static pointers will be serialized only once - providing they point to tracked types. However, in your example, the static object isn't a pointer - its a static integer. Given that default behavior for primitive types (including integers) is not tracked, multiple copies of j will be stored/loaded. Robert Ramey Joseph Turian wrote:
If see from the serialization documentation that if I serialize a pointer more than once, only one instance will appear in the archive.
However, what about static member variables? Will they only be serialized once, even if I serialize multiple objects of the class type?
class foo { private: int i; static int j;
friend class boost::serialization::access; template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version) { ar & i; ar & j; // Will j be serialized multiple times, i.e. once per foo instance? } };