A-Star-Maze solver is pretty much done.  The filtered_graph does make the code a lot simpler.  I used lexical_cast and Boost's random number facilities, but decided the Boost command line processing code was overkill for this example.

The warnings you added about not subclassing BGL types look good.

Two things that look like documentation errors:
  1. On the A* search page, the examine_vertex prototype for the visitor is listed as vis.examine_vertex(u, g), but you actually need it to be vis.examine_vertex(u, const g) in order for the code the build.  (This may be true for the other visitor functions as well.)  This tripped me up when I first wrote my visitor class.  I'm not sure if you want to specify the constants here, or let them be assumed.
  2. The grid graph indexing documentation incorrectly states that you get a vertex index with get(boost::vertex_index, vertex_descriptor, const Graph&).  The order of the last two parameters is switched.  The header actually specifies get(boost::vertex_index, const Graph&, vertex_descriptor).  This appears to be the case in the documentation for a number of the get(...) functions. 

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 11:59 AM, Jeremiah Willcock <jewillco@osl.iu.edu> wrote:
On Tue, 13 Jul 2010, W.P. McNeill wrote:

Different out edge iterators was the problem for my filtered graph example.
It's spelled "compliment" in filtered_graph.hpp lines 507-516.  I guess that's a bug.

I fixed that now in the trunk (r64016); the old version is still around for compatibility reasons.  Please use the new name.

Here's a working subset_compliment_filter example.  I did my own graph printing rather than using print_graph(...) in graph_utility.hpp because it seemed easier than defining an vertex property for an implicit graph.

You can also use write_graphviz_dp() to do your printing; that will allow you to just fill in a dynamic_properties() object with whatever external property maps you want.  There is also a function_property_map that's not in BGL but you can find by searching the Boost mailing lists; you can use that to create your vertex names, or you can just create a shared_array_property_map that you fill in manually with the names.

I also added warnings in graph_concepts.html and graph_traits.html about subclassing BGL graphs.  Please see if you like the wording or if you think there are any other places those warnings need to be.

-- Jeremiah Willcock

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