To build a PDF for library X, then cd into libs/X/doc
I'm not aware of this before. That's why I was bjam'ing in the boost root folder and could not get the desired result.
This time I select the ASIO for a trial. Things seems to work well and at last I get " ... updated 187 targets..."
I noticed that there created a new html folder under the asio/doc folder, and the boost_1_37_0/bin/v2 also appears, but I just could not find the pdf doc file. Am I still missing anything?
If you do: bjam or bjam html then you get html docs under ./html, you need to do a bjam pdf to get a pdf, and it will be located in a deep subdirectory of the bin.v2 path (look at the final output messages from the FO processor to see exactly where). I realise this ideal, it's possible to modify the Jamfile to automatically copy the pdf into the current directory, but we haven't got that properly organised yet :-(
and do a:
bjam pdf
start with something small and easy like static_assert, or else there's a "test everything" project in doc/test.
Also note that not all Boost libraries are documented with quickbook/boostbook/docbook so your mileage may vary.
Yes, this is a problem that I might be aware before. But is there a plan to impose more restrict/unified requirements on coding/docing of the libs? With it, more uniform appearance/feeling, as well as higher managability and lower learning curve for user will be colser, I guess.
I don't think we'll do that, we just don't want to impose such a long and fragile toolchain on people at present (although most new submissions *are* using quickbook which is good to see). I guess if the tools improve we *might* revisit that, HTH, John.