Hello again - Here's details of what goes wrong while following the instructions to Build and Install boost on Solaris 8: 1) Download Got boost_1_31_0.tar boost-build-2.0-m9.1.tar boost-jam-3.1.10.tar ok 2) Preparation Build yourself or use prebuilt. A prebuilt for Solaris 8 is not obviously available, so Build yourself: tar -xf boost-jam-3.1.10.tar cd boost-jam-3.1.10 sh ./build.sh gcc detected ok cd bin.solaris cp * /usr/local/bin completed ok, now bjam, jam, mkjambase and yyacc are in PATH configure the tools many unix systems come preconfigured this way and require no user intervention. 3) Supported toolsets gcc g++ is in PATH might need to set -sGCC_STDLIB_DIRECTORY=/opt/csw/gcc3/lib 4) Build and install tar xf boost_1_31_0.tar cd boost_1_31_0 bjam "-sTOOLS=gcc" install at this point the procedure fails and I get: Unable to load Boost.Build: could not find build system. --------------------------------------------------------- /homes/chuck/src/boost_1_31_0/boost-build.jam attempted to load the build system by invoking 'boost-build tools/build/v1 ;' but we were unable to find "bootstrap.jam" in the specified directory or in BOOST_BUILD_PATH (searching /homes/chuck/src/boost_1_31_0/tools/build/v1,/usr/share/boost-build). Please consult the documentation at 'http://www.boost.org'. Ok, so I go back and untar boost-build-2.0-m9.1.tar, cd into that where there IS a "bootstrap.jam" file and try bjam "-sTOOLS=gcc" install again, this time I get: Failed to find the project root for directory '.'. Did not find a project-root.jam file there or in any of its parent directories. Please consult the documentation at 'http://www.boost.org'. At this point I can't even guess what it wants. Any clue welcome. --Chuck