1.) do you know that boost.asio integrates boost.coroutine? example can be read at http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/doc/html/boost_asio/example/cpp03/spawn/echo_server.cppYes, I noticed that but I kinda got lost when I saw that spawn(...) used stackfull coroutines but at the boost::asio::coroutine documentation, stackless coroutines were described. I wanted to ensure I was using stackfull coroutines.
boost::asio::spawn(io_service, boost::bind(do_accept, boost::ref(io_service), atoi(argv[1]), _1));
2.) coroutine<> is a type holder, e.g. you have to derive from coroutine<>::push_type or coroutine<>::pull_typeI also saw that documentation and also got lost there... What is the difference between the push_type and pull_type? For what purposes should I use them?