I have a boost/C++ error which I am having a difficult time figuring out.
Compiler error : Call to member function '__construct_node' is ambiguous
Where <---------- is marked causes the errors.
I understand there is a constructor issue. But reading the STL map header file causes my eyes to glaze over.
I am not an C++ expert.
Changing int128_t to system defined int64_t removes the error. So it is an issue with int128_t class (or map).
using namespace boost::multiprecision;
typedef int128_t StellarObjectID;
struct StellarIDComp {
bool operator()(const StellarObjectID& ID1,const StellarObjectID& ID2) const {
return ID1 < ID2;
typedef std::map<StellarObjectID,StellarObjectRef,StellarIDComp> StellarObjectMap;
static StellarObjectMap stellarObjects;
int WGRegisterStellarObject(StellarObjectRef obj) {
if (obj==nil) {return EINVAL;}
if (obj->StellarID()==0) {return errInvalidID;}
if (stellarObjects.find(obj->StellarID())!= stellarObjects.end()) {
return errStellarObjectIDClash;
stellarObjects[obj->StellarID()]=obj; <-------------
return 0;
StellarObjectRef WGGetStellarObject(const StellarObjectID& ID) {
if (ID==0) {return nil;}
if (stellarObjects.find(ID) == stellarObjects.end()) {return nil;}
return stellarObjects[ID]; <---------