I am newbie to boost. I was earlier using boost-1.33.1 and my code was working fine. In FC6 i am compiling my code and shows me the following error.
error: âclass boost::filesystem::basic_directory_entry<boost::filesystem::basic_path<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, boost::filesystem::path_traits> >â has no member named ânative_file_stringâ
Is there any difference in the libraries ? Am I missing something?
My function is something like this.
void recurse_directory( const boost::filesystem::path& directory )
boost::filesystem::directory_iterator end;
for( boost::filesystem::directory_iterator dir_itr( directory ); dir_itr != end; ++dir_itr )
if( boost::filesystem::is_directory( *dir_itr ) )
try {
recurse_directory( *dir_itr );
} catch (boost::filesystem::filesystem_error &e) {
std::cerr << "Error recursing directory: " << (*dir_itr).native_file_string() << " (" <<
e.what() << ")" << std::endl;
} else
add_file( (*dir_itr).native_file_string() ); // Get error here....
I am getting the error on the highlighted line.
I am stuck here. Any help would be deeply appreciated.
Thanks in advance.