Hi, I have implementation of feature which was requested several times. It allows you to run tests (implemented with the help of boost.tests) by name. I attached 3 files. 1. filter.hpp should be copied to boost/test/detail. 2. framework.ipp should be copied to boost/test/impl. (after copying files you will probably need to rebuild boost.test) 3. example.cpp contains example of usage. Here is how it works. Each test case receives the name in the form Suite1/Suite2/.../SuiteN/CaseName. For example there is test cases is example.cpp with name "Master Test Suite/A/Foo". Test executable accepts new argument --filter=<regex>. It allows you to run that and only that tests which names match given regex. Note: library implicitly adds ".*" to the beginning and to the end of given regex expression. For example if you run example.cpp without arguments, you will see: Foo in A Bar in A Foo in B Bar in B If you run it with argument "--filter=Foo", you will see: Foo in A Foo in B If you want to run all tests in the suite "A", you can try "--filter=/A/" or "--filter=^Master Test Suite/A/". P.S. You can use this feature without modification of boost.test sources. Just call boost::test_suite_detail::filter in your implementation of init_unit_test_suite. HTH, Roman Perepelitsa.