Le 17/03/2017 à 05:11, Gavin Lambert via Boost-users a écrit :
On 13/03/2017 18:33, I wrote:
On 2/03/2017 12:28, I wrote:
I've recently rebuilt Boost 1.63 locally for both Windows and Linux, requesting dynamic libraries only (link=dynamic). However several libraries are still being built in both static and dynamic forms:
- chrono - system - timer - unit_test_framework
Additionally some libraries are being built only in static forms:
- exception - test_exec_monitor
This is a legacy of boost.test, needed by some old libraries. I am not enough expert in bjam to make it generated on demand.
I assume the latter is intentional, as presumably some libraries can only work as static libraries. Is the former intentional or a bug? It seems like a bug. Or do these contain symbols that the dynamic libraries do not?
Any chance the former group of libraries can be fixed before 1.64?
Trying again with individual library subject tags. Or should I just give up on this and file github issues instead?