I have encountered an error in the filesystem library.
I am working with Boost 1.34.1, SunOs 5.7, and a multi-threaded environment.
This small program reproduces the problem:
#include <iostream>
int main()
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
fs::path path(".",fs::native);
if(fs::exists(path) && fs::is_directory(path))
fs::directory_iterator begin(path), end;
BOOST_FOREACH(fs::path file, std::make_pair(begin,end))
std::cout << file.leaf() << std::endl;
The problem is that this program never ends.
Apparently the "begin" iterator never reaches the "end" iterator.
It only happens in a multi-thread compilation.
But, I think that I know where the bug is.
In the file
is were the function 'readdir_r_simulator' is implemented, and, if I understand it correctly, it should return != 0 if an error has ocurred.
But, the 1247 line:
{ return ::readdir_r( dirp, entry, result ); }
is wrong, because when an error is encountered, readdir_r() returns a null pointer.
NULL is converted to the int 0 and the function returns it.
So, I suggest to change that line with:
{ if(::readdir_r( dirp, entry, result )==NULL) return errno; else return 0; }
I will try to post this bug to the bug tracking facility (¿trac?).