Eric Niebler a écrit :
(Way back when I started with expression templates, I thought that calling them an "embedded language" was just a cute metaphor, but much can be gained from taking the serious view that these really *are* languages, deserving of grammars, semantic actions, ... type systems, too. Once we fully embrace that view, there's decades worth of programming language theory we can leverage.)
You just have described parts of my research plans ;) My current work try to get a way using ET and Concept in C++ to have a condensed way to describe operationnal and/or denotanionnal semantic for C++ DSEL. Guess I'll indeed have to swallow up this typing system rules myself. Ivan : Thanks for the references. -- ___________________________________________ Joel Falcou - Assistant Professor PARALL Team - LRI - Universite Paris Sud XI Tel : (+33)1 69 15 66 35