Hi all,
I would like to delete a vertex and all its children vertices in
a directed graph. For example,
0 <-- 1
1 <-- 2
1 <-- 3
3 <-- 5
0 <-- 4
Removing 1 will remove 2, 3, 5 too.
I have read the
doc which explains how to remove all vertices from a graph but
for my case it's a little more complicated and I can't find a
clean way to do it.
Thanks by advance for helping me.
Here is what I planned to do but it isn't working :
typedef adjacency_list<boost::vecS, boost::vecS,
boost::bidirectionalS, vertex_info> Graph;
typedef Graph::vertex_descriptor vertexGraph;
Graph* myGraph; //given graph
vertexGraph vpos; //given vertex
vector<vertexGraph> vertsLvl, allChildren;
vector<vertexGraph>::iterator it, ite;
while( !vertsLvl.empty() )
vector<vertexGraph> tmp; // all children of the
vertsLvl's vertices
for( it=vertsLvl.begin(), ite=vertsLvl.end(); it!=ite; ++it)
vector<vertexGraph> children;
this->getChildren(*it, children);
allChildren.insert( allChildren.end(), children.begin(),
tmp.insert( tmp.end(), children.begin(),
// remove edges between vertices from vertsLvl and their
clear_in_edges(*it, *myGraph);
vertsLvl = tmp;
// remove all children and the given vertex : doesn't work
for( it=allChildren.begin(), ite=allChildren.end(); it!=ite;
remove_vertex(*it, *myGraph);