On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 09:31:20 +0000, Foster, Gareth wrote
You can make PDF documents in openoffice.org writer
No, seriously, OO.o can import HTML, so you could save the pages locally, import them into one big OO.o doc (ironic short-hand for document), and then save that out as PDF, then share it of course so that nobody else has to spend 20 mins doing it.
I think it would take a bit more time than this. The date-time docs when printed to pdf are ~270 pages by themselves. All of boost would be much more. No one has said this yet, but I'm thinking a boost-wide pdf is going to get much too big. By library pdfs would be much more practical.
Are there plans to get all of the boost projects using something like Doxygen? I think that can spit out more file formats than you could ever want.
Some library authors have been converting boostbook (xml based) which is a variation of doc-book for C++ library documentation. There is a tool-chain which optionally includes doxygen for generation of reference manuals and for generation of pdf. This toolchain is currently somewhat complex and difficult to get setup right. And recently pdf generation has been broken. You can read more about this here: http://www.boost.org/doc/html/boostbook.html .recruiting pitch on If you have skills in writing xml/xslt and want to contribute to boost this would be a good way to get involved. Get subscribed to the boost-doc mailing list and just ask for how you can help... .recruiting pitch off In 1.32 several libraries have switched, but I wouldn't expect all of boost to switch over any time soon... Jeff