----- Original Message -----
From: "David Abrahams"
Touchy, touchy!
It's no bother, and I love seeing that kind of suggestion. I'm just suggesting that you post it in a more appropriate place so that the person(s) who ought to respond to it can see it.
I am subscribed to too many mailing lists now, and I have been subscribed to many others that I can't keep up with. Most of the messages in high-volume mailing lists are not relevant to me so I waste a lot of time if I try to keep up with them. So yes, I am very reluctant to subscribe to (yet another) another mailing list just to post a message and then receive another flood of messages that don't concern me. The (main) Cygwin mailing list is an example of a high-volume list. I wrote a few paragraphs intended to help other understand how to install it and I put that in my web site. It was not my intent to leave it there permanently, but the only comment I got back was that they did not want to have the documentation spread out in many places. So experiences such as that has contributed to my attitude.