Boost Community, The Boost Conference will be here in very short order! And I need to get feedback for the "Testing Boost" sprint we'll be doing If you have any ideas, concerns, off the wall comments, etc. at *minimum* send them directly to me at "rrivera/". Why that account? Well because that will be the one account I can guarantee I will access to during the conference, and hence people can send me stuff up to the last minute. Not that I'm encouraging lateness, but I know how busy we all are ;-) If you are going to send it to the Boost dev list you will also want to eventually send me a summary follow up, if needed, from the ensuing discussions. Looking forward to seeing some of you at Aspen! -- -- Grafik - Don't Assume Anything -- Redshift Software, Inc. - -- rrivera/ - grafik/ -- 102708583/icq - grafikrobot/aim - grafikrobot/yahoo