Murali Krishnan Ganapathy
I have traced the problem with mkdir, though whether the build completes or not, only time will tell (it is currently building the python and the C libraries).
The problem with mkdir still baffles me. It is to do with the %TEMP% or %TMP% variable. On my machine both %TEMP% and %TMP% expand to "C:\Documents and Settings\Maha & Murali\..." I confirm this when I see the "environment variables" listing (My Computer -> Properites -> Advanced -> Environment Variables). However when I do a "SET" on the command prompt %TEMP% expands to "C:\DOCUME~1\..." the underlying DOS file name.
I guess boost.jam creates the directory in TEMP and then moves it over (why?).
It doesn't.
When boost.jam tries to make a directory it tries to access %TEMP%. Machine complains that there is no "C;\DOCUME~1\...." (it is not checking the 8.3 version I guess) and the mkdir1 fails.
The exact command being executed by bjam is: mkdir "C:\Boost" However, bjam is writing this command into a temporary .CMD file in %TEMP% before executing it. Probably that's what's failing.
The work around is to have a simple %TEMP% and %TMP%. I reset %TEMP% and %TMP% to "C:\Temp" (no spaces and less than 8 chars), now boost is building as I write this.
I guess this should be considered as a minor bug in bjam?
Maybe so. Any Win/DOS experts out there who can suggest a correct fix? -- Dave Abrahams Boost Consulting