"David Abrahams" wrote
"Andy Little" writes:
I am trying to transform from a fusion vector of values to a fusion
of non-const references to those values, the ultimate aim being to assign the
original sequence from another sequence.
The code below works ok with make_vector, but I want to be able to automate
for any fusion sequence. How can I do that?
You can find an example of exactly that on the zip_iterator_fusion
branch of boost/iterator/zip_iterator.hpp
Yikes. I don't really understand what I am meant to do with that. I will have to
study it in more detail.
I reckon that a get_ref_vector(fusion::vector) would be quite useful. I guess
there isnt much difference to a view though?.
Anyway I have continued hacking away and so here is my latest efforts, using
fusion to do a dot product of two vectors.
Maybe it would be a useful example in the fusion docs?. Anyway here it is FWIW:
Andy Little
// Copyright Andrew Little 2006
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
// See QUAN_ROOT/quan_matters/index.html for documentation.
dot product of two vectors using fusion.
The input vectors are just raw fusion sequences
#include <cassert>
// Couldnt resist this... :-)
namespace quan{ namespace fusion{
// This functor needed as fusion::fold sends
// its args the opposite way to quan::operator_XX_equals
// Lhs in invoked function is assumed to be
// a non const boost::reference_wrapper
template <typename F>
struct reverse_assign_f_args{
struct result{
boost::is_const<typename Lhs::type>
typedef Lhs type;
typename result::type
operator()( Rhs const & rhs, Lhs lhs)const
F f;
return boost::ref(f(lhs.get(),rhs));
// more arg reversing
template <typename F>
struct reverse_f_args{
struct result{
typedef typename F:: template result<
>::type type;
typename result::type
operator()( Rhs const & rhs, Lhs const & lhs )const
F f;
int main()
// The types of the input 'vectors'
typedef boost::fusion::vector4<
> seq1_type;
typedef boost::fusion::vector4<
> seq2_type;
// Use fusion to work out the type of the result of
// the dot product...
// First the result sequence of
// multiplying the input sequences.
typedef boost::fusion::result_of::as_vector<
>::type multiplied_seq;
// Now the add and accumulate result type deduction part.
// Note that need to switch the args for use with my own functors,
// (I have been here with boost::is_convertible, so I'll say no more;-)).
// I am using + as the 2nd function applied, not +=, as used at runtime
// as I am also trying to 'accumulate' the result_type at this stage.
typedef boost::fusion::result_of::fold<
boost::fusion::result_of::at_c::type ,
>::type result_type;
// There was a bit of fun and games to get here so ...
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(( boost::is_same::value !=0));
// set up the input 'vectors'
seq1_type seq1(quan::length::mm(1000),2,3,4);
seq2_type seq2(quan::reciprocal_length::per_m(1),2,3,4);
// do the dot_product
result_type result = boost::fusion::fold(
assert(quan::compare(result,30,1e-12) ==0);
std::cout << result <<'\n';