On 7/15/2011 5:27 AM, Don wrote:
I apologize if this is a duplicate posting. I sent this 2 days ago, and it appears in the archives, but I never received it back from the list and there have been no replies, so I am posting it again.
Using boost serialization, I would like to be able to write an old version of a class, so that I can save data in an "old" format to allow other users with an old version of my program to read the file.
I see from the archives that this has come up before, and Robert Ramey indicated it was doable and on the todo list, but I don't see it in the release notes or documentation. Did anything every come of this?
As far as I had been informed, backward compatibility in writing was never planned for the serialization library and was never even planned to be planned. I don't think you'll find a way to do it without severely altering the library itself. Personally, I think this is a significantly lacking feature and I'd love to see it implemented. If you pull it off, please consider sharing.