AMDG Hammond, John (UK New Malden) wrote:
I am hoping someone could answer a question I have regarding the make_nvp(..) function of the Serialization library.
I am attempting to serialize a number of objects within a loop, and the name of the name-value-pair is to be assigned dynamically depending on some values taken from within the object that is to be serialized. I am currently performing the actions below:
my_obj = GetMyObj(..);
std::string temp = str( boost::format("x:%1% y:%2%") % _x % _y );
The space may be a problem. Boost.Serialization sticks the
name directly into the XML, and
const char* const_temp = temp.c_str( );
ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp(const_temp, my_obj);
This code compiles but will cause an exception on make_nvp. As far as I can tell, I am providing the function with the const char* that it requires, so am very confused as to why it is not performing as expected.
In Christ, Steven Watanabe