Ben Hutchings wrote:
No, but I think your concept of what an iterator is may be faulty. Since an iterator "points" to a sequence element (or to the end of a sequence) by itself; there is no need to combine it with a container to access that element.  You seem to want a regularity which doesn't really make sense, hence my earlier guess that you wanted to write container- independent code.
Most of my concepts are definitely faulty (ask my wife), but they're especially so when it comes to iterators!  :-)

I read the suggested interview with Stepanov, and it (along with everyone's comments) was quite helpful.  But, my ignorance runs deep and wide.  My new (mis-?) understanding of the iterator is that it allows generic programming by providing a consistent interface to containers.  As such, Stepanov did not want to understand the container to write an algorithm, but only the iterator and operations on iterators.  Is my ignorance getting any narrower? :-)

So, I'm guessing the pointer semantics were chosen to allow the iterator to be completely separated from the container.  No need to pass the container around when one can just use the iterators.  If the container[iterator] semantics were chosen for accessing the data within a container, the iterator would no longer be independent.  Hence the previous comment by David Abrahams, "why should the map get involved in that operation at all when you can do it all with the iterator?"

I think the light is beginning to turn on, but don't get your hopes up too much. Iterators are very heavy concepts for newbies.  The concept of containers aren't nearly so difficult, especially when coming from other languages that have vectors, maps, etc.  Newbies (ahem, or maybe just me) automatically jump to the containers and want to start using it (yes, I admit it, I wanted to write code before reading the entire reference manual).  They look and act just like they do in other languages, *except* when one wants to iterate through them.  When encountering the Iterator reference page, my eyes glazed over when I encountered "Iterators are in fact not a single concept, but six concepts that form a hierarchy".  Zzzzz.  I just want to sequentially access the contents of my map!  Why do I have to wade through a dozen pages on iterators (and still not understand generic programming)?  Throw us newbies a lifeline, please!  :-)

But let me anticipate the response.  :-) "Jim, you ignorant slu+, the iterator is a new programming paradigm that allows one to write -- without even thinking (except, perhaps, in *your* case) -- code that is container independent.  If you don't know iterators, you don't know STL.  Learn it, love it, and get over it."

Okay, okay! But I'm still pretty clueless because one of Ben's earlier statements still doesn't digest yet:
Container-independent code is an impossible and pointless goal.  maps have different semantics from other containers.  <snip> What you can do is to write iterator-independent code, then use an iterator adapter to convert the iterators over pairs into iterators over the mapped values:
I thought the idea of generic programming is to make container-independent code.  I'm not sure what an iterator adapter is, but is it necessary for "iterator-independent code?"  I'm just a newbie who wants to sequence through my map, really.  I don't want to be forced to understand iterators, adapters, iterator-independence, and generic programing paradigms to do so.  :-)

 My new slogans will be

    "no iterators for the ignorant!"
    "free map operators[]!"
    "bypass the iterators!"
    "ignorants unite!"
    "let stupid people program, too!"

</stupidity>  :-)
Jim Lear