boost/multi_index/indexed_by.hpp does not compile on my SunOS 5.10
CC version:
CC: Sun C++ 5.10 SunOS_i386 2009/06/03
Compiling this test program using boost 1.42:
Reports the following errors:
line 56: Error: Type name expected instead of "BOOST_PP_ENUM_1".
line 58: Error: Expected "class" or "typename" before
line 58: Error: Type name expected instead of "T".
3 Error(s) detected.
Is Boost.MultiIndex Solaris compatible? Am I missing something?
I read the following about multi_index on boost.org:
No problems have been detected with this platform. Last tested for
compiler version Sun C++ 5.10 (Sun Studio 12 Update 1). The option
-library=stlport4 was used to replace the default standard library with
I tried with the -library=stlport4 but same errors.
Thank you,