Nat Goodspeed wrote:
It seems possible to implement weak_ptr notification by building a list of weak_ptr instances referencing a given object. If we don't want that list to consume additional heap memory, the list could itself be intrusive in the weak_ptr objects. If we want it to be efficient, we build a doubly-linked list. (This may call for a policy-based implementation so the consumer can decide which overhead is least noxious.)
This works. It's also completely independent of intrusive_ptr. You can implement such a weak pointer (and I know people who have done so) without ever using an intrusive_ptr or reference counting at all. The object destructor just goes over the list and zeroes the weak pointers. Threads are problematic and would probably require a per-object mutex. Another option is to use which also doesn't require intrusive_ptr and works for any object, and handles threads nicely. But you pay for a shared_ptr control block, so it probably won't satisfy intrusive_ptr users. Both options are intrusive, but then, so is intrusive_ptr. :-)