Hi Donald, On Feb 1, 2005, at 4:50 PM, Donald Johnson wrote:
I cant get boost::multi_array to wrk with STL algorithms. In particular
test_array( boost::extents[10][10] ); std::fill(test_array.begin(),test_array.end(),1); gives me the following compile errors.
Do the provided iterators not work for stl algorithms?
Yes they do, but not in the manner that you think they do :). In the code above, you are creating a 2 dimensional array. Calling begin() on your array results in an iterator over the /one-dimensional arrays/ contained therein. Your code is trying to assign scalar values to one-dimensional arrays, hence the type error. You can get the effect that you are going for as follows. std:: fill(test_array.data(),test_array.data()+test_array.num_elements(),1); Hope this helps! ron