I encountered a mysterious stream exception when trying to deserialize
an std::mapstd::string,long container. The exception seems to occur
depending on the data stored in the container. Unfortunately none of the
hints regarding stream exceptions from the manual seem to help.
The source code is as follows:
std::map ArchiveEntries;
void ResArchive::SaveToFile()
std::ofstream ofs (INDEX_FILE_NAME);
boost::archive::binary_oarchive OArchive(ofs);
OArchive <>ArchiveEntries; //STREAM EXCEPTION!!!
I do not open any file stream to the index file in any other part of my
source code, so multiple simultaneous streams can't be the problem.
I can consistently reproduce the error for 2 given sets of test data,
but I also have some test data ( just 2 entries instead of a few
thousand) where the problem does not occur. I have not been able to
isolate the exact data that is needed to cause such a stream exception
Any hints on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in
advance for your time! :-)
Best Regards,
Adrian Grigore
Adrian Grigore
Lobstersoft - Fun Brain-Bending Games For All Ages
Member of the Association of Shareware Professionals