Hello all,
I've been working with the Edmunds & Karp maximum flow algorithm in the
BGL for some time without any problems. However, I realized that I could
do better in time complexity by moving to the push_relabel_max_flow
algorithm so I gave it a try. I've been trying to figure out what the
problem with my code is for the entire day without success. I was
wondering if someone could tell me what is my mistake.
It is a very simple problem, four vertices, four edges, the result from
the algorithm should be two:
| |
| |
| |
Source is 0, target is 1, all edges have unit capacity. The code is:
void compute_max_flow(Graph* g_) {
// obtain number of vertices in undirected graph
size_t n = num_vertices(*g_);
typedef adjacency_list_traits Traits;
typedef adjacency_list,
property > >
> FlowGraph;
typedef graph_traits<FlowGraph>::edge_descriptor EdgeFlow;
FlowGraph g(num_vertices(*this->g_));
property_map::type indexmap =
get(vertex_index, g);
property_map::type capacity =
get(edge_capacity, g);
property_map::type rev =
get(edge_reverse, g);
residual_capacity = get(edge_residual_capacity, g);
Traits::vertex_descriptor s, t;
EdgeFlow e1,e2;
bool in1,in2;
// add edges, reverse edges and capacities to new graph for flow
edge_iter ei,ei_end;
for (tie(ei,ei_end) = edges(*g_); ei != ei_end; ++ei) {
// obtain vertices in the original graph
vertex u = source(*ei, *g_);
vertex v = target(*ei, *g_);
// insert edges in new graph and add unit capacities
tie(e1, in1) = add_edge(u,v,g);
tie(e2, in2) = add_edge(v,u,g);
if(in1 && in2) {
// assign reverse edges to property map
rev[e1] = e2;
rev[e2] = e1;
capacity[e1] = 1;
capacity[e2] = 0;
graph_traits<FlowGraph>::vertex_iterator vvi,vvi_end;
for(tie(vvi,vvi_end) = vertices(g); vvi!=vvi_end; ++vvi) {
cout<<"index -> "< "<<*eei< "< "< "< 0
index -> 1
index -> 2
index -> 3
edge -> (0,2)
capacity -> 1
rev -> (2,0)
edge -> (0,3)
capacity -> 1
rev -> (3,0)
edge -> (1,2)
capacity -> 1
rev -> (2,1)
edge -> (1,3)
capacity -> 1
rev -> (3,1)
edge -> (2,0)
capacity -> 0
rev -> (0,2)
edge -> (2,1)
capacity -> 0
rev -> (1,2)
edge -> (3,0)
capacity -> 0
rev -> (0,3)
edge -> (3,1)
capacity -> 0
rev -> (1,3)
flow -> 0
I would appreciate any inputs on this. Thank you,