On Fri, 25 Nov 2005 10:50:50 +0800, A Johan wrote
Hello All....
it might just be the way i'm using the boost classes that's causing all the problems. the posix_time is a member of a class which is a member of another class which is stored in a vectorboost::shared_ptr. see below:
class mydata { boost::posix_time::ptime m_timedata; /// other members... }
class myobject { mydata m_data; /// other members... } ...snip more code...
I don't think any of this should be a problem. BTW, the only place date-time uses lexical_cast is in i/o code and to/from_string functions. So if you aren't using that stuff it's probably coming from somewhere else.
consequently althought the compiler is complaining a lot about the date_time lib it may come some other libs. i'm not sure. the programs run fine but i'm concerned i may miss some of the more crucial warnings as per project i get around 200++ warnings from the boost libs and i have about 6 projects in the vc solution.
Of course you could always supress the warnings.
then again i might just be the vc71 compiler. all boost #includes need to be at the top of the file or else the compiler with give up with "Internal Compiler Error. Please call tech support...."
Well all I can say is vc71 is way better than vc6 on this -- but it's really bad when it happens.
just to make myself happy i tried doing a test program in a seperate project
int main(void) { boost::posix_time::ptime mytime(boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time); std::cout << mytime << std::endl;
return 0; }
this compiled clean without any warnings at all.
all projects were compiled with warning level set to 4.
Right -- I doubt this code will ever invoke lexical cast. Try something like this instead: ptime t; std::istringstream iss("2005-Jan-15 10:15:03.123456789123"); iss >> t; Jeff