--- Janusz Piwowarski
2. GCC (run in cygwin)
What is this library "-lstlport_cygwin_stldebug"? It complained that it couldn't be found. Where can I find it?
You must manually build stlport library, or disable using stlport iostreeams:
bjam -sTOOLS=gcc-stlport -s"BUILD=<stlport-iostream>off" ...
Regards, Janusz
Thanks for your reply. I did manually build stlport library. And I'd like to use stlport-iostream. So I found libstlport_cygwin_stldebug.dll file in my /usr/local/lib drive. Why did bjam not find it? I'm wondering if it's correct to set my STLPORT_PATH as /usr/local/include/stlport or should it be .../STLPORT-4.6.2? Regards, __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Check out the new Yahoo! Front Page. www.yahoo.com