On Mon, 23 May 2005 16:25:46 +0100, Richard Howells wrote
One tip --> in 1.33 you will need to make the date const or oa << d will fail. Serialization is now enforcing this previously documented part of the interface...
date d(2004, Apr, 5);
needs to be
const date d(2004, Apr, 5);
Is that for real? I admit I have not used this library so maybe I should be ignored, but what is the reasoning for only being able to serialize consts? At the moment it does not sound useful.
There's been a discussion on the dev-list about this change -- even though the interface was documented in 1.32 it wasn't enforced. Frankly, I don't think it has hit everyone (Robert included) how intrusive this change is. There's a couple of us (me included) that think this change is a really bad idea, but we haven't convinced Robert. Anyway, Robert's view is that this will help prevent downstream errors related to object tracking. Jeff