"Kevin Wheatley"
Gennadiy Rozental wrote:
"Kevin Wheatley"
wrote in message news:44285016.667649CC@cinesite.co.uk... I was just wondering if there is an option to generate an error/warning if a test function called by the test library does no 'asserts' (or any of the BOOST_* test tools).
There is not. I could consider addiing this feature post release. Why do you need this?
think of it like a coding guidline aid, it would allow me to have a short style ouput, thus not overloading the user with information, but allows me to easily see that I have a test that isn't actually ever going to 'fail' in an expected way. It suggests either a test that can be removed, or needs rewriting. Ideally I'd have some environment variable to turn on the warning/error, I guess some people would want it to be a failure of the test (me) and thus give me the red bar... others might want to ignore it
OK. I will consider adding a warning. You will have to set up log level properly to see is though. Gennadiy