I'm in a usecase, where we use a library, which brings its own asio lib with it: http://www.resiprocate.org/ReTurn_Overview If this is correct, they're using asio 1.2 in its header only version.
I've build an API which uses boost::asio to send data over the network. One of our goals is now, to also include stun/turn, so we have to use this library.
To enable the errorreporting, I need to convert the asio::error_code coming from reTurn to boost::system::error_code, so that I can call my notify method with it: void notifyError(const boost::system::error_code& ec);
any expierence in this? The constructors don't seem to fit, as error_category is in asio a enum, and in boost::system a class f.e.
Just thinking out loud: wouldn't it be better to port the above library to a newer boost and boost.asio? It should take very little effort, but might result in much better interoperability, more simple further support, and better performance and stability (as a lot of things were fixed and improved since asio 1.2).