I also tried passing an edge_weight_map structure as a named parameter to astar_search.
How do I use an explicit weight map? I thought specializing property_map<> would be the preferred way to add edge weights to a graph that doesn't already contain them.BTW, here is the entire spew up to the first error message:g++ -g -I/opt/local/include -c -o main.o main.cpp/opt/local/include/boost/iterator/transform_iterator.hpp: In constructor ‘boost::transform_iterator<UnaryFunction, Iterator, Reference, Value>::transform_iterator() [with UnaryFunc = boost::detail::grid_graph_vertex_at<boost::grid_graph<2ul, size_t, size_t> >, Iterator = boost::counting_iterator<size_t, boost::use_default, boost::use_default>, Reference = boost::use_default, Value = boost::use_default]’:/opt/local/include/boost/graph/astar_search.hpp:285: instantiated from ‘void boost::astar_search(VertexListGraph&, typename boost::graph_traits<G>::vertex_descriptor, AStarHeuristic, AStarVisitor, PredecessorMap, CostMap, DistanceMap, WeightMap, VertexIndexMap, ColorMap, CompareFunction, CombineFunction, CostInf, CostZero) [with VertexListGraph = boost::grid_graph<2ul, size_t, size_t>, AStarHeuristic = boost::euclidean_heuristic, AStarVisitor = boost::astar_goal_visitor, PredecessorMap = boost::dummy_property_map, CostMap = boost::vector_property_map<float, boost::grid_graph_index_map<boost::grid_graph<2ul, size_t, size_t>, boost::array<size_t, 2ul>, size_t> >, DistanceMap = boost::vector_property_map<float, boost::grid_graph_index_map<boost::grid_graph<2ul, size_t, size_t>, boost::array<size_t, 2ul>, size_t> >, WeightMap = boost::edge_weight_map, VertexIndexMap = boost::grid_graph_index_map<boost::grid_graph<2ul, size_t, size_t>, boost::array<size_t, 2ul>, size_t>, ColorMap = boost::vector_property_map<boost::default_color_type, boost::grid_graph_index_map<boost::grid_graph<2ul, size_t, size_t>, boost::array<size_t, 2ul>, size_t> >, CompareFunction = std::less<float>, CombineFunction = boost::closed_plus<float>, CostInf = float, CostZero = float]’/opt/local/include/boost/graph/astar_search.hpp:318: instantiated from ‘void boost::detail::astar_dispatch2(VertexListGraph&, typename boost::graph_traits<G>::vertex_descriptor, AStarHeuristic, CostMap, DistanceMap, WeightMap, IndexMap, ColorMap, const Params&) [with VertexListGraph = boost::grid_graph<2ul, size_t, size_t>, AStarHeuristic = boost::euclidean_heuristic, CostMap = boost::vector_property_map<float, boost::grid_graph_index_map<boost::grid_graph<2ul, size_t, size_t>, boost::array<size_t, 2ul>, size_t> >, DistanceMap = boost::vector_property_map<float, boost::grid_graph_index_map<boost::grid_graph<2ul, size_t, size_t>, boost::array<size_t, 2ul>, size_t> >, WeightMap = boost::edge_weight_map, IndexMap = boost::grid_graph_index_map<boost::grid_graph<2ul, size_t, size_t>, boost::array<size_t, 2ul>, size_t>, ColorMap = boost::vector_property_map<boost::default_color_type, boost::grid_graph_index_map<boost::grid_graph<2ul, size_t, size_t>, boost::array<size_t, 2ul>, size_t> >, Params = boost::bgl_named_params<boost::astar_goal_visitor, boost::graph_visitor_t, boost::no_property>]’/opt/local/include/boost/graph/astar_search.hpp:350: instantiated from ‘void boost::detail::astar_dispatch1(VertexListGraph&, typename boost::graph_traits<G>::vertex_descriptor, AStarHeuristic, CostMap, DistanceMap, WeightMap, IndexMap, ColorMap, const Params&) [with VertexListGraph = boost::grid_graph<2ul, size_t, size_t>, AStarHeuristic = boost::euclidean_heuristic, CostMap = boost::detail::error_property_not_found, DistanceMap = boost::detail::error_property_not_found, WeightMap = boost::edge_weight_map, IndexMap = boost::grid_graph_index_map<boost::grid_graph<2ul, size_t, size_t>, boost::array<size_t, 2ul>, size_t>, ColorMap = boost::detail::error_property_not_found, Params = boost::bgl_named_params<boost::astar_goal_visitor, boost::graph_visitor_t, boost::no_property>]’/opt/local/include/boost/graph/astar_search.hpp:372: instantiated from ‘voidOn Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 4:09 PM, Jeremiah Willcock <jewillco@osl.iu.edu> wrote:
_______________________________________________On Wed, 30 Jun 2010, W.P. McNeill wrote:Since you didn't write the grid_graph class, this is not the correct way to add property maps. You will need to use an external property map (such as iterator_property_map) as your weight map, and then pass it in explicitly to the astar_search() function.
I am trying to write a simple example of an a-star search over a 2-dimensional grid using the Boost Graph Library. The source is hosted
here: http://github.com/wpm/Boost-Searchable-Grid-Example. My intent is for this to be a resource for other people writing a-star searches.
I am seeing an error about a missing weight map when I try to compile the call to astar_search(). As far as I can tell, everything is in order. I hoping someone
has insight into what I'm missing.
My graph class is a rank-2 grid graph called weighted_grid defined like so:
typedef grid_graph<2> weighted_grid;
I have a simple map that returns a weight of zero for every edge.
struct edge_weight_map {
typedef float value_type;
typedef float reference;
typedef edge_descriptor key_type;
typedef readable_property_map_tag category;
reference operator[](key_type e) const {
// All edges have a weight of zero.
return 0;
I associate this map with the weighted_grid class by specializing property_map.
struct property_map<weighted_grid,
edge_weight_t> {
typedef edge_weight_map type;
typedef edge_weight_map const_type;
The error here doesn't have enough of the instantiation stack to be useful. Just use an explicit weight map, though, and that is more likely to work.
I've defined valid expression functions for this property map along with a Euclidean distance heuristic and a visitor that throws an exception when a goal vertex is reached. The complete source is viewable at the URL given above.
With these definitions I can do concept checks on the ReadablePropertyMap, ReadablePropertyGraph, VertexListGraph, and AStarHeuristic concepts. I can instantiate a weighted_grid. I can get the edge weight map using get(edge_weight, g) and the vertex index map using get(vertex_index, g). I think I have written everything I need to do a-star search.
However, the following call does not build:
vertex_descriptor source = vertex(0, g), goal = vertex(3, g);
visitor(astar_goal_visitor(goal)) );
I get a long error spew. The first relevant problem appears to be here:
-- Jeremiah Willcock
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