So does your code solve this problem?
The current mapping applies a scaling factor to
boost::gamma_distribution and apparently the resulting empirical cdf
converges to the true cdf...
I've looked at your code but I fail to create a test case. I would
like to compare the result of your code with other tools like R,
Sure, double checking is a good idea. Among your included directories
you should have:
These have to be in the search path.
but I have just removed a deprecated dependency so please check out again.
To be certain, here's a small subset that I just compiled:
void example_gamma(){
namespace stat = boost::statistics::detail;
namespace dist = stat::distribution;
typedef double val_;
typedef boost::mt19937 urng_;
typedef boost::math::gamma_distribution dist_;
const val_ shape = 2.0;
const val_ scale = 3.0;
dist_ d( shape, scale );
urng_ urng;
Please let me know if you have any other issues.