Hello again, Fri, Feb 18, 2005 egunean, aitor-k zera esan zuen :
Ok. But the problem is that, as that the original graph isn't directed, neither are the edges. So, i can't determine wether source(mst_edges[i],g) is the "father" or the "son" of the edge in the mst tree.
Instead of "father os son of the edge" i wanted to say "father or son of the vertex", sorry for the typo. Let me clarify my point. Suppose this graph: [vertex_number]:[vertex_name] {[adjacent_vertices]+} 0:a {b,c,d} 1:b {a} 2:c {a,d} 3:d {a} the mst_edges vector gets: (0,1),(3,2),(0,2) but if i build the mst the way you indicate, it gives me this graph: 0:a 3:d / \ / 1:b 2:c which is not a tree, instead of: 0:a / \ 1:b 2:c | 3:d that is what i want. Note that the problem is the edge (3,2) in the mst_vertices vector; it should be (2,3) in the directed graph. Any ideas ? regards aitor