[boost_1_34_0 \ program_options]
Johnathan Bunn wrote:
> im having an issue with a project using visual studio pro 2005
> if it makes a difference the librarys im using are
> Qt, pdflib, boost, and some crystal com stuff thorugh activex
> my problem is that when I build in release my command line args are parsed
> fine and my application behaves as expected.
> when I build in debug mode, I get an asertion failure as follows
> Assertion failed: n == name.size()-2, file
> libs\program_options\src\options_description.cpp, line 122
I had a same problem with MSVC 2005 when one of my other(no boost) libs use UNICODE.
There is probably some bug in auto_link.hpp (when it generate library name and link it => some link mismach in boost STL raised).
My tricky solution is: Turn off auto_link by statement before include program_option.hpp:
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
And link library which you need manually (probably libboost_program_options-vc80-mt-gd-1_34.lib) by option Link\Input\additional dependency.
There is a paradox: same library as is normaly included by auto_link can be used to include by MSVC option and then all see OK with no assertion.