On 2 Jul 2010, at 10:24, Jack Bryan wrote:

Dear All:

With boost MPI, I trying to ask some worker nodes to send some message to the single master node. 
I am using OpenMPI 1.3.4.

I use an array recvArray[row][column] to receive the message, which is a C++ class that contain int, member functions. 
But I got an error of 

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<boost::mpi::exception> >'
  what():  MPI_Test: MPI_ERR_TRUNCATE: message truncated
[n124:126639] *** Process received signal ***
[n124:126639] Signal: Aborted (6)
[n124:126639] Signal code:  (-6)

It seems that the master cannot find enough space for the receicved message. 

But, I have decleared the recvArray<calssPackage> , which is a vector with element as my received class package. 

The error is very wierd.

When I open the recvied package, the elements are not expected numbers buy only some very large or small numbers.

Any help is appreciated. 

Can you please post an example code, otherwise it is impossible to help.
