29 Sep
29 Sep
2:19 p.m.
On 29.09.2016 15:57, Ram wrote:
What we use is I am using Visual Studio 2005, Version 8.0.50727.867 (vsvista.050727-8600)
[ void construct(_Objty *_Ptr, _Types&&... _Args) { ::new ((void *)_Ptr) _Objty(::std:: forward<_Types>(_Args)...); } ]
This output must be from boost? I am using boost_1_61_0.
Yes, I understood that you are using Visual Studio 2005. What I'm saying is if this is output from the preprocessor which gets fed into your compiler, VS 2005 compiler will not be able to compile it because operator &&, variadic template parameter packs and std::forward are all features of C++11 and unknown to your compiler, which is about 8 years too old. Only VS 2013 got decent support for C++11 features. Best regards, Leon