Johan Råde wrote:
Cliff Green wrote:
Last fall I wrote a library with portable fpclassify, isnan, signbit etc. (It is available in the vault in the Math - Numerics folder.) Several Boosters tested the library with more than 20 different OS / compiler / processor combinations.
This is something that is really needed in boost. Could you possibly: a) make a small boost library for this which would include i) code (hopefully header only?) ii) tests iii) documentation and ask for a mini-review. b) enhance the portable binary archive to take advantage of your code. c) enhance the serialization documentation to explain that portable binary archive. I realize that although each of these steps isn't all that large, taken together they do add up to a non-trivial amount of work. In order to compensate with you'll get. a) a tiny increment in one man's quest (yours) for immortality. b) a very nice addition to your resume. c) the satisfaction of knowing that your work has passed muster with what might be the pickiest group of programmers in the known universe. d) the satisfaction of knowing that your code is probably a key piece a perhaps thousands of applications. I know its not much, but its the best I can offer.
This experience taught me a lot about portable handling of floating point numbers.
Which will bring its own curse. In the course of going through even a mini-review, you'll have to spend a lot of time with people who "know" a lot more than you do. Good Luck. Robert Ramey
--Johan Råde