Hi everyone. I get a very tricky error with boost.thread. I can compile and execute perfectly a C++ program with the following comand line: g++ -Wall -fPIC -pedantic -g -O3 -DDEBUG -march=native -std=c++0x -lboost_thread -o myExecutable myExecutable.cpp But I have to move this software into another machine, and I thought it was possible to take dynamic libraries with it, in order to properly link them to the executable. I have a structure like the following: package | bin |- myExecutable etc |- libboost_thread.a |- libboost_thread.so -> libbost_thread.so.1.42.0 `- libboost_thread.so.1.42.0 And performing a proper export of LD_LIBRARY_PATH, it seems I obtain a correct link: ldd myExecutable ... libboost_thread.so.1.42.0 => ../etc/libboost_thread.so.1.42.0 (0x002cd000) ... But when I try to execute my software, I obtain the following error: /home/user/myExecutable symbol lookup error: /home/user/myExecutable: undefined symbol: _ZTIN10__cxxabiv115__forced_unwindE Do you have an idea of why this occurs? Have I to compile boost libraries in an uncommon way to make this situation work? Thank you. -- Alessandro Candini MEEO S.r.l. Via Saragat 9 I-44122 Ferrara, Italy Tel: +39 0532 1861501 Fax: +39 0532 1861637 http://www.meeo.it ======================================== "ATTENZIONE:le informazioni contenute in questo messaggio sono da considerarsi confidenziali ed il loro utilizzo è riservato unicamente al destinatario sopra indicato. Chi dovesse ricevere questo messaggio per errore è tenuto ad informare il mittente ed a rimuoverlo definitivamente da ogni supporto elettronico o cartaceo." "WARNING:This message contains confidential and/or proprietary information which may be subject to privilege or immunity and which is intended for use of its addressee only. Should you receive this message in error, you are kindly requested to inform the sender and to definitively remove it from any paper or electronic format."