Hi Michael,
Most likely your problem is that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH does not have the boost build directory in it. On the commandline write:
   export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/mshapiro.local/boost/lib/ :$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Hope this helps.

Andreas Saebjoernsen

On 1/23/06, Michael Shapiro <mshapiro@vbi.vt.edu> wrote:

I am having problems linking a program using the serialization library.
I have made a small program, considerably simpler than the demo.cpp listed at
and I have also tried linking demo.cpp itself.

My hpp files are in

My libraries are in

I have tried linking this code with gcc 3.4.5 on a linux machine using

gcc -I/home/mshapiro.local/boost/include/boost-1_32/ \
-L/home/mshapiro.local/boost/lib/ \
-lboost_serialization-gcc \

I have tried many variations on this! (For example, I have tried g++ instead
of gcc, I have tried all variations on the serialization library, such as
boost_serialization-gcc-d-1_32, etc, I have tried turning off warnings as
suggested in the compiler specific issues.) I can compile using the -c flag,
but I cannot link it. I get a large number of error messages all of which
look much like

In function
: undefined reference to
std::char_traits<char> > >::~basic_text_oprimitive()'

I can find various references to this exact problem in the newsgroups, but can
find no solution to it.

Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks in advance,
Michael Shapiro

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