Steven Watanabe
Boost.Bind declares the placeholders _1, _2, etc at global scope.
We discussed this years ago. AFAICR Dave Abrahams terminated the discussion with a statement that clearly considered _1 in global namespace as a design error. At least this is how I understood his statemment. So here again someone falls over this. Years go by and nasty little oddities remain unfixed and - worse - undocumented (similar to multi_array not modeling Assignable like any good C++ container in this world). I would like to revoke this discussion in order to get this fixed once for all times: How and when can we get rid of _1 and bretheren in global namespace? Having bll be a second class citizen has driven me crazy more than once, letting me put explicit namespace prefixes everywhere, no longer using Koenig lookup anywhere. Of course the vicinity of fusion/phoenix/xpressive/proto complicates the situation, but we can fix this. std::tr1::placeholders::_1 points into the right direction. I am thinking of something like boost::placeholders::_, ...::_1, etc. So maybe the answer to all this is < subject_list.html#boost_tr1.subject_list.bind>, but please, please remove *anything* from global namespace for boost-1.36 and tag boost::has_evolved_to_tr1* libs as deprecated in favor to the standardized version. Markus