So, I had to deal with a lib I worked on last a couple of years ago.
Great news, the file IO has been greatly simplified in 1.68. I was able
to retire several dozens of cryptic,(for me), lines. The old code won't
compile as the Adobe extensions are gone. I'm almost there, I can read
files, but I don't understand why I can't get the writer to compile.
I get to my code, in case it matters:
bg::rgb8_image_t destImg( res, x );
resize_view( view( sourceImg ), view( destImg ),
bg::bilinear_sampler( ) );
and rgb8_image_t should be a good one from what I read:
With either:
bg::write_view( path_to, destImg, bg::jpeg_tag() );
bg::image_write_infobg::jpeg_tag write_setttings;
bg::write_view( path_to, destImg, write_setttings );
ms140 complains:
error C2039: 'reference': is not a member of