On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 12:30:20AM +0100, Philipp Kraus wrote:
I have got a a C library function call, which defines a function: typedef int (*CFunction) (State* K);
So I would like to use boost::bind / boost::function to create the binding to a class method:
boost::function<CFunction>( boost::bind(&MyClass::myMethod, this) )
so that I can use the class method with the CFunction signature. I would like to call a class method with the object context like a C function.
Can anybody help me to create a correct binding?
Within the standard language, no, there is no way to get a free function pointer to an arbitrary callable. The result of a bind expression is not a free function pointer nor convertible to one. It's an object of an unspecified class type with a suitable operator (). You have several horrible choices for getting a free function pointer from something like this. Stateless C++11 lambdas can be coerced into a free function pointer, but as they're stateless, they will not fly here. The common within-the-language solution is to make a free "trampoline" function that forwards calls to your object, which it retrieves from some secret hiding place. In some APIs, you can pass in a "context" or "state" object at the same place you provide the free function pointer to the callback: R trampoline(State* s, A0 a0, A1 a1) { return get_my_callable(s)(a0, a1); } register_callback_with_api(&trampoline, &my_callable); Another choice that is not within the standard is to generate machine code for a trampoline-like function that directly forwards your call, either through some code generation library like Xbyak or by taking a suitable function, copying the generated code and patch the parts where the call happens. The above is often called "thunking". In summary, the ways in order of unhorribleness are: 1) squirrel the actual callable away in some context/state provided to the trampoline; 2) squirrel the actual callable away in some global or static variable, which the trampoline uses; 3) dive into the abyss of code/thunk generation. -- Lars Viklund | zao@acc.umu.se